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The Furies by William Considine

The Furies by William Considine



The Furies is an attack in dramatic verse on mythic sources of war and the tragic cycle. What starts in jest and hope becomes tragic and then deeply personal. 

"'The Furies' is a terrific intervention, a unique contemporary dramatic verse collection with tropes of classic themes and characters. Considine has a poet’s lyric ease, wit and calling, and a sensibility that travels through the complicated dynamics of history and war. As Orestes asks Electra, "Shall I talk of our childhood and/ all the times you silently/ stared at the summer leaves/ and tried to imagine, total death,/ nuclear war, all at once, and why?/ Do you remember our civil defense drills..." This is a refreshing “oral” book and generously available here for actors and poet-performers on the stage, as well as readers, in the hand. Bravo!" - Anne Waldman

"At long last here's Bill Considine's considered, rollicking, breezy, deep, avant-post take on what Poetry is, what Theater is, and what happens when these arts tumble dance through history together only to land simultaneously on page and stage. Equal parts Sophocles and Ashbery, whose lineage from Electra right through to 'The Heroes' he invokes, Considine riffles the classics to fan a new breath of Pure Future. Perform these plays in your mind's eye or take the dare and produce them on stage - they are transportative. IOW, as Agamemnon says in 'Agamemnon, King of Cars', 'Let's prowl the great desert, /Whooping on speed, /In pick-up trucks or tanks./Let's all wear cowboy hats.'" - Bob Holman